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Little Space Tumblr Questions

Prince: Favorite Disney movie? That is an easy one, the Little Mermaid. Stuffie: What’s your favorite stuffies name? Which one? The two that I sleep with are a doggy named Goldie and a Teddy Bear named Snow White. Paci: What color are your eyes? I have green eyes most of the time. Ladybug: What’s your favorite part of your body? I don't have one, I have very low self esteem so that is a hard question. Cinderella: Name something you can’t live without? My phone to be completely honest, it has my life on it. Sippy cup: Something that makes you feel little? Seeing cute Hello Kitty or Disney things, those are my favorite things. Candy: Favorite flavor of sucker Cherry! Butterfly: Favorite exhibit at the zoo The big cats. Cotton candy: What’s your perfect date? I don't have one, like just find a interest of mine you like and do that with me, that means a lot to me! Cloud: If you could speak another language what would it be? Yes, ASL and German. Sparkles: Favorite flavor of pancakes I don't like pancakes! Gumdrop: Do you have any pets? Nope, I did but someone stole my baby. Lilac: Do you use Pacis? Yep, I have only two I use the most and plan to get more of the same kind, I use Avent 18-36 months. Chocolate milk: How many stuffies do you have? A lot, I have maybe 10 that I know where they are. Polka dot: Where would you move if you could live anywhere? Germany or Ireland. Bow: Do you like to have your hair brushed? Oh my, please do! Dinosaur: Favorite Disney villain? BOOOOO... Fuzzy: Biggest fear? Death... Teddy bear: Favorite color? Pink & Black Lollipop: Who is your best friend? I have a few but my Little BFF is Meggy! Bunny: Do you have a bedtime? Yes, kinda depends the day. Rock candy: Favorite memory? The birth of my children. Unicorn: Do you like to color? Love to! Ribbon: What color is your hair? PINK! Collar: Do you do any petplay? Yes and no, I love wearing the gear because I am a neko duh... Bubble bath: Favorite song? Silent Screams Clover: Favorite juice flavor? Cherry Pancakes: Favorite breakfast food? Eggys! Blankie: How long have you known you’re little? 6 months to a year. Night light: How are you feeling? sad...

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