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30 Day of Little Space Challenge

Day 18 - Best day ever… Will you share it with us? No best days, make one up, but let us know its fiction please. Best day... I can't pick just one!

Day 19 - What’s the longest relationship you’ve had? Do you think relationship lengths matter? I've been with hubby/daddy for almost 5 years

Day 20 - Could your CG be your CG but not you significant other? Why would or wouldn’t this work for you? No, with the connection between a little and a CG is so intertwined that them not being a couple who not work for me.

Day 21 - Be honest… Do / have you topped from the bottom? (gotten your CG to do what you want via good or bad behavior to get your way) Always good behavior!

Day 22 - What is or would be the hardest rule a CG could give you? Taking my meds everyday!

Day 23 - What’s the sweetest thing a CG has done or could do for you? What made it so sweet? What’s the sweetest thing you’ve done? Only pick one and if you can’t… I can't just pick one, she truly is great, I don't even have to ask, like she can read my mind!

Day 24 - What area(s) are you focused on growing in as a bg or lg? For example obedience, creativity, presentation, coloring etc… Why is this your focus? If you don’t have an area, which will you pick, starting today? Getting more in to acting the age I feel, it is my focus because I feel the age inside and I guess I'm still slightly embarrassed lack of better words.

Day 25 - Besides build a bear, where’s one local place you want your CG to take you as a reward? Why do you want to go there? What do you want to do when you get there? Justice and Disney store, I am obsessed over Disney and Justice has a lot of adorable stuff!

Day 26 - Best CGL song, movie, or picture ever, what is it? Why is it the best? I can't really answer it!

Day 27 - Do you get off on the kink of CGL too, or not so much? Only elaborate if you wish, if you don’t wish, what’s the main kink or fetish you and your current or future CG share? I do kinda but mommy has stated if we did this it will not be sexual at all; it is not interesting to her.

Day 28 - Do you get into S/m? If so how does your CG punish you since pain may not work? No...

Day 29 - Do your bio parents know? If so how do they feel? If not, would you ever tell them? This is a tricky question, I've stated on my personal social media that I am a little but never stated which of my partners was my CG and they ignore it like they do everything else.

Day 30 - Are you on fetlife? Do you wanna share your name there? If not tell us, does being judged for your alternative lifestyle frighten you?i don't have one, it does because who wouldn't but I get past my fears to be the true me.

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