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Let's Talk... Minors in the BDSM Community

First off, this is gonna be a post that will get a lot of flack because it is not the greatest subject to talk about in the BDSM community, I am a 25 year old, I have graduated high school I have learned a lot since I have become 18, yes, I was pregnant right out of high school, I am stating all that because in the last 7 years, I have grown up a lot and that makes it easier for me to explain my feelings on this subject. I discovered the BDSM community when I was only 19-20. It sparked my interest and I thought I would be a part of it. So with that being said I started in the age range that I needed to. The BDSM community is about trust and consent and top rule is age; people that are still developing in mental state and physical state, they can not truly figure out what they wanted in a relationship. I know for a fact, me in that state was jumpy. I did date a lot call me a slut if you wish but I was young and still trying to find myself. I was jumping sexualites and people that I was dating. At that age, I couldn't even figure out what I wanted to be as an adult and for a career so how could I figure out what I wanted in a relationship. I didn't even fall in love till I was 21/22. That is when I married my husband, but Evelyn you got pregnant at 18 weren't you in love? No! I was not, I wanted to feel loved and I thought that it was what I was experiencing and that was the total opposite. I was being controlled and not even in the good way like you are suppose to do in BDSM.

I know that its the new fab right now to be part of DDLG/CGL, which is the branch that I am in. I do see a lot of minors on Instagram and Tumblr and it does bother me. I am perfectly fine with underagers researching but do not set foot in this place without being the age you are suppose to be and done a lot of research even I did that when I found out about it see I started with Kitten play and saw that that wasn't my cup of tea and realized that I was a neko, of course that is a cat person and I love that, so pretty much that I am a little that dresses up all the time. I digress, littles space can be sexual or non sexual, me personally chose to be non sexual and so did my caregivers, but I do see that as a big thing in the underagers, "oh we are non sexual so we are okay!.." that is a no because the term DDLG ( daddy DOM little girl ) came from a branch of BDSM so it is a Dom/Sub role and honestly it was meant to humiliate the sub into being a child so degrading them and yes, it was about care and escape but first and fore most it is a kink, sexual or not it is still a kink it is a taboo. a kink is an act between two consensual adults end of story on that; someone younger then the age of 18 is not an adult and I know that you have these very smart, mature teens that are 16-17. I don't think that they truly understand sexual or not that is not seen in the courts eyes it is the fact that an adult is in a kink with a child, 16-17 whatever, I know that is the age of consent in some states but the fact is its a kink, that does not matter in the courts eyes. these younger kids don't see that it is putting us true adult at risk. I know one and I love his content and he is a great guy but my thoughts on that is if you were so mature you would respect the rules of the country/state what so ever, you would be smart and back down till you are 18.

I do have a few followers on my social media that I am knowledgeable of that are 17 and I have personally talk to them and gave them the okay but if any one else does follow me and I am aware I do block them. Oh, I know that seems so mean because they maybe "learning" from me , no I do not see that because what I could teach them is the same thing that google could. So why you on a blog and YouTube if you aren't trying to teach. I am not trying to teach on these platforms, I am showing my experiences with the world to show that a person with all my issues and day to day things is able to live in this life style and be a role model for LITTLES who are parents, with mental illnesses, with an odd family, with a judgmental family etc. I do to express myself as I have always been since I discovered who was a person all those years ago. I have realized after being so sheltered my whole life that i can't do that, I am an open book and always tell the truth that is who I have made myself be because life is filled with lies and things as such so I want to be that one ray of hope that someone is true to themselves and open minded. I am not mean to the underagers honestly i just block them and go on with my life, I have had someone address that an underager was following me and I just blocked them didn't so anything else. My social medias, my rules simple at that. That is my take... This was a raw writing I hope that you enjoy!

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