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Guilty Confessions

1. What is your guilty pleasure? Food: birthday cake ice cream, sexual: vibrator, life in general: binge watching people I envy 2. Share something you did a long time ago that you're still ashamed of? Self harm, breaking some hearts 3. Share one bad habit? Google Doctor 4. One lie? That I actually am self confident 5. What is one silly things you've got upset about? Dishes not being done right because of my ocd 6. Something you are bad at? Talking about my feelings 7. Something you preach but never do? Believe in yourself 8. Have you ever stolen something? I stole $20 from my mom at a fair, I was young 9. Reveal one act of revenge? I've cheated on exes to get back to another act it wasn't that big but back then it was 10. Name something you used to envy? Society's it girl 11. Mischievous thing you did in your childhood? Cry to get my mom to come to my aid and ask for something I wanted

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