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A Day in the Life of a Little Mom

Ever wonder what a little who is also a mom does in a day, well keep reading :)

7-9 AM The kids wake up and come and bug mommy/my wife because I do not stir if they come to me haha

She gets up with them and spends some time with them, the kids call her momma so its momma and me time for them, they eat breakfast and watch Tv or read.

10 AM Mommy comes and wakes me up and I refuse lol till about 10:30, after that I get up and start cleaning by making the bed and I sometimes eat this early but it is very rare, depends on my mood. I brush my teeth with mommy.

10:30 AM to 12 AM, I am doing my chores and getting things done before work.

12 PM to 2 PM I am mainly at work, I do work from home on my shop and I do a lot of crafting. I make a chokers, day collars, jewelry and started making pillows. Some days I work on blogs like this and create videos for my channel! Depends the day because the shop and YouTube are my jobs.

2 PM I make lunch and watch TV with the youngings, we sometimes play for about an hour.

3 PM I get back to work for another two hours till mommy gets home from work.

5 PM rolls around and mommy gets off and heads home.

6 PM Mommy and me start by cooking dinner, normally she cooks and I wash the dishes as we go.

7 PM to 10 PM we relax by watching tv or she works on her puzzles and I go craft some more, sometimes I go write on my book or I get on my sims game or Gaiaonline where I roleplay.

10 PM We get ready for bed and start a movie

11 PM I go to bed like a good girl!

Depending on the kids if they go to sleep early that is when I go into little space, from about 9 PM to 11 PM or on the weekends when the kids are busy I can be the baby!

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