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Littleforbig Onesie Review

Daddy got me this onesie and I couldn't be happier because I have wanted a real onesie for a while, he was trying to get the old Halloween one but they were out of my size which is okay because this one is great. I figured since this is my first real adult onesie I would do a review on it, the fabric is really soft and comfortable, it did smell a bit but that could of been the packaging and me needing to wash it. I did have a problem unbuttoning it, it was hard and you could tell that i was stretching the fabric a bit but that was a problem that I had. I have heard that there has been problems with the owner, I did not look more into it. I do not wish to be involved with the drama. As a company it seems like a good company, daddy did not say there was a problem shipping, see this was surprise for me so I did not know that he was getting it for me.

My conclusion is that I love the print and the size is okay hopefully it will shrink a little, it is a bit baggy around my bum but I am a very petite person and I did get a size small. The buttons were an issue but I can get over that. If you do buy it make sure you measure yourself and go off that, I wouldn't want it to be to big or small.

The smell was my biggest problem, but I do not know if that was the mail or the company's fault.

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