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Poly with Kids

In this I will be referring daddy as Teddy Barry and mommy as Misslady

What is it like to be poly and have children? I was married to Mr. J for 3 years before mommy came into the picture but I did date a few people before mommy, at first I did not know that I was "poly" but I always knew that I loved to be with more than one person. Before Misslady, as I said I dated but it was never a real relationship; they were more of sex partners and nothing went further so it wasn't like it is today.

Parenting in general is hard but believe it or not having more than one partner makes it a bit harder. It can work easier if there is communication just like any relationship or parenthood. You need to communicate with your partners and children. It has been difficult with my daughter because her father and I have been separated for years and our communication has never been good. Mr. J and I even though we are divorcing, we are doing our best to keep communicating. Patience is also a big thing, if one parent is getting on to the child the others should sit back and listen and if they have a problem address it later, never address it in front of the child. If one partner is mad step back and listen to their problem and if their anger is with child. I would go talk to the child then talk to the partner to see all sides.

I do that my children have all this love and you will get the frown from society but if you love can expand that is amazing and it teaches your children that love has no boundary. It is hard because people to has questions that of course you do not want to answer but you can answer or ignore, as long as the children are taken care of that is all that matters. If you bring in a new partner at all even if you are monogamous state that they are a friend and go from there. Teddy Barry is mine and Misslady's friend to our children and when we start dating officially and its been some times then we are going to sit the kids down and talk to them. My children are still young and do not understand what poly is but they know that they have a mommy, momma and a daddy that love them very much. If your children are old enough to understand I would sit them down and talk to them before you bring a new partner in, and let them get to know the partner, this is how I feel if my children do not like the new partner, there has to be a reason and I will not be with the person even if I had fallen love because to me, my children's' love is more important to me.

I hope that this help a little :)

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