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Facebook Groups for BDSM!

I know you are probably like me and join all the facebook groups you can involving things that you love well heres some of the top facebook groups that I am personally in! Some of them are secret but most are just closed so they are easy to find! So take a look and see which one that you are interested in! Also all of these groups are 18 + and some may require you to show ID!

First one is actually the one that I own, a Little More to Love is a Polyamory and BDSM group that is a very new group but needs babies to join! So to join you have to add ME on FB and you will be required to show ID, ( face and birthday, everything else will be blanked out )

Next has two parts, this one is a oldie but newie group because of meany heads wanting it to get taken down but this group is really active and the people there are so sweet, it is a BDSM group that has a separate group for advertising so I figured I'd feature both! Regular HERE & Advertise HERE

The third groups is for the spooky side of BDSM, this group is for littles and caregivers that have a spooky side to themselves it is full of quizzes and fun things to do! I really like this because I am a gothic little and it fits perfectly with my likes you can check it out HERE

The fourth one is a really cute one for littles, I have just joined this group and like it so far, you can meet other littles and talk with people like yourself! Click HERE to check it out!

The last one is one that is 21+ so I do believe that you may have to show some ID, the owner of this one is really sweet and I love how the group is ran! It also is really fun just like the others! There are friends to make and games to play and littles to be little with! Check this one out HERE

These are some groups if you are interested :)

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