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Tykables are they worth it?

A viewer recently got the Tykables brand Adult Diapers and I wanted to pass on their review, I did as a few questions so here it all is!

1. What brand did you choose and why did you choose this brand?

1. I chose Tykables brand and I chose them because they had unique patterns.

2. Is this your first adult diaper purchase?

2. Yes, this was my first purchase.

3. What made you want to be an ABDL?

3. I wanted to become an ABDL because it feel right and it is a stress reliever.

4. Advice to those ordering adult diapers?

4. My advice is to do your research, and read reviews; if it does not have any reviews do not buy it. More then anything do research!

5. Do the diapers hold up to the Wet Baby Test?

5. They do not hold up to the wet baby test.

6. Your general thoughts on the diapers?

6. My thoughts are that they are extremely comfortable and easy to play in.

7. Was the customer service good?

7. The customer service was horrible; the people were very rude and not helpful.

8. Did the shipping take longer then expected?

8. The shipping was suppose to take 2 days but it took 3 weeks and nobody could tell us why it was delayed.

9. Did they supply a tracking number? 9. No tracking number was supplied; my mommy had to demand a tracking number.

10. Do you have any problems with the diapers or the company?

10. The only issue with the company is the shipping delay and the diapers, the leg holes are a bit tight.

11. General thoughts on the company?

11. General thoughts on the company, they are okay but they need to provide better answers when it comes to shipping and the website is easy to use; I would not repurchase from them because it was too much of a runaround.

I greatly appreciate the lovely person that allowed me to interview them and they would wish to remain anonymous, if you wish to be interviewed for a company review please send me a message on here or my social media.

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